7 Ways To Boost Your Workout Motivation
Starting a workout regime is easy; maintaining it is hard – that is why your body isn't the only thing that should be disciplined for performing workouts; your brain needs that discipline as well. For developing that discipline, you need to build up motivation, lots of it. Let's see how:
- Set a Specific Goal
Before going for a routine workout, ask yourself what goal you want to achieve and what results do you expect in the future. Your goal can be all-encompassing, i.e., you can work for losing some pounds to fit your favorite pants, or you can envision having a healthy work-life and protect yourself from different Non-Communicable Diseases such as Diabetes. Whatever it might be, having a specific goal of what you are going to do would exactly answer the question to your "Why" and give you the motivation you need to go ahead.
- Follow Fitness Accounts on Social Media
The more posts you see about health and fitness, the more driven you will be towards getting physically healthier. Even if you don’t hold on to a gym post showing a trainer doing deadlifts for more than a few seconds, you would still get that message in your brain that you need to get going. If you have been scrolling through your feed and sitting on the couch, you might get a reminder to get back on your feet and work for it.
- Learn about Health Benefits behind your Workout
As you learn about different health benefits regarding your workout routine, you can get a better insight into why you need to stick to your regime. Seeing multiple benefits of something is a good push for people who want to go through something that requires a lot of discipline. For example, if you can see how doing aerobic exercises strengthens not only the body but also alleviate your stress levels, you will be quite happy to do those exercises considering the benefit to both physical and mental health.
- Create an Empowering and Exciting Playlist
We all have our favorite songs that bring up the energy levels in us, sometimes even make us want to get up and dance. Create a playlist in which you add up all such songs with a slight touch of inspiring tunes as well that add to the whole ambiance while you are running on the treadmill and are just about to give up. Consider songs with upbeat music that pumps up your adrenaline levels, so you don't get tired. It's also a great way to go through the seemingly long sessions; as you're engaged in a song, doing those squats might not seem much of a great deal.
- Take Part in Friendly Challenges
It can be hard working out all by yourself, but when you have some healthy competition around, it can become fuel for you to keep going during times when it seems impossible. The best way is to talk about it to your friends who are also struggling with gyms and home workout routines, and then give one another some health challenges. Pushups, deadlifts, and squats are some of the exercises you can easily challenge your friends for who can do the most in a day. Unless you go extreme with such activities, challenges like these are fine for anyone to do. Buck up your friends whenever you see them running low on motivation, and ask them to do the same for you. Remember that you're all together in this.
- Join a Fitness Group
If you don’t have friends who have a workout routine or if for any reason you can't do the friendly challenges, you can still get people to push you hard for your goal, like join a fitness group, for instance. When you are doing so, you are building competency in yourself to work harder towards your fitness goals, just as indicated above.
- Note your Weekly Progress
It is highly important to analyze your progress as you are doing your workout so you can see how far you’ve come. This improvement you see serves as a great boost for people who want to see efficient results, and it helps them go towards their goal in a steady way. Note down your BMI, muscle gain, and any anthropometric or biochemical indicator that applies to analyze your results.
Final Verdict
The idea is to surround yourself with an empowering environment that, of course, starts from the inside. As you begin to radiate this positivity outwards, you can further motivate yourself by having visible positive affirmations around you. For instance, getting help from some motivational quotes imprinted over your gym equipment can help you get the boost you need during those demanding sessions. As you use a gym towel saying “Remember Why you Started” in your workout, you will feel the push you need to keep going.